Why I’m a Dog Person With a Cat


Jackson loves me.

Growing up, I had dogs. Mostly Westies (West Highland White Terriors), but we rarely had luck with that breed. We had 2 golden retrievers: one we gave away to a nice lesbian couple, and the other one we put down my freshman year of college because she had cancer. Dogs are great; they are so loving and loyal, and they make you feel appreciated. Cats, on the other hand, are typically jerks. So why do I own and cherish my furry feline, Jackson (aka Jackson Cat; aka Action Jackson; aka Jax) when I’m truly a dog person at heart? Well, let me tell you:

1.) Cats are low maintenance. 

Sometimes, you want a creature to come home to but you don’t want to have to worry about taking it outside every 4 hours and you don’t have to worry about it becoming morbidly obese if you don’t take it on walks or play fetch. Cats go to the bathroom in a litter box that you only have to clean a couple times a week, and they are weirdly clean and lick themselves every 5 seconds. At least Jackson does. It might be a tick or something, but regardless, it’s nice because he doesn’t smell bad.

Cats also get exercise just by being cats. They climb on things they aren’t supposed to and leap at you when you aren’t looking. I’m really selling you all on cats, aren’t I?

2.) Cats are fun to watch.

It’s pretty amazing how easily amused cats are. They find something that remotely resembles string and they are entertained for the next 3 hours, and so am I.

Jackson isn’t the most coordinated cat, so he attempts to make risky jumps off of furniture and fails miserably, so that’s also quite fun to watch.

3.) Cats will cuddle, just on their own terms.

Cats can be like men, in the sense that they only want to be with you when they say so. But when cats decide they want to commit to cuddling and being friendly, they are good lovers. Maybe “lovers” isn’t exactly the best word choice in this scenario, but I’m keeping it there.

So whether you are a dog or a cat person, I think there are certain positive attributes to both animals. But just remember, your dog won’t sporadically bat at random objects or nuzzle you with their fuzzy heads or lick you with their nasty, rough tongues when you least expect it. You should totally get a cat. Until you can afford to take care of a dog. Then you should totally get a dog. 😀

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